Cassie Hale

Used Office Furniture Division

Large White Truck with Three Rivers Moving Install

Get to know us.

Cassie joined the Three Rivers team in January 2024 to lead the New and Used Furniture Division. With a strong background in marketing and leadership, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the role. Cassie is dedicated to helping businesses find affordable and high-quality furniture solutions.

Outside of work, Cassie loves spending time with her two boys, enjoying the outdoors, and riding horses. Her love for meeting new people and building connections fuels her enthusiasm both personally and professionally.

Cassie values continuous learning within herself and from those around her. Her goal is to help Three Rivers share affordable office furniture across Northeastern Indiana.

Feel free to check out Three Rivers Furniture offerings and connect with Cassie for more information!

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US DOT No. 3033961 MC No. 40939

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